Public of the week: an entertaining “History of Antiquity” Architecture 09.04.2022 VKontakte group, where the history of the Ancient world is not boring to read. AD Russia The author of the public “History of Antiquity” considers this time interval to be the most interesting period of history, so he did not limit himself to posts about Greco-Roman antiquity: here, following the legend of the Roman emperor Nero, there can be an image of an ancient Egyptian case for a mirror (which, of course, also has its own history). “Baalbek ruins of the temple of Bacchus”, David Roberts, 1840. Posts with the hashtag #history tell about interesting facts of the past, for example, how the city amphitheater in Italy could be transformed (spoiler: if necessary, they were rebuilt into a whole area with houses and gardens). In addition, in the group you can see paintings with antique subjects or photographs of antiquities and find out where this or that exhibit is now stored. The amphitheater of the Italian city of Pollenzo in Antiquity and today. Dog and ascos (oil storage vessel). Mosaic. Egypt. 200-150 BC Alexandria, the Greco-Roman Museum. Original content from the site